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Nursery & Greenhouse

Harvest Automation has identified the US Nursery & Greenhouse sector of the Agriculture industry as our initial market because of the high number of manual laborers required and their significant issues around labor availability and productivity. The U.S. Nursery and Greenhouse industry produces approximately $17B of ornamental horticulture products per year selling to retailers (e.g. Home Depot, Walmart, independent garden centers) as well as large landscapers, municipalities, and resellers. The production of ornamental plants requires vast amounts of manual labor with labor accounting for over 30% of production costs.

Harvest conducted in-depth research to clearly identify the breadth of strategic challenges facing the Nursery & Greenhouse industry. These challenges are centered on the industry's ongoing need to reduce production costs and successfully resolve related labor issues associated with container handling. Using Harvest's products will drive significant operational improvements in the following areas:

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